Posts Tagged “Nikka Miyagikyo”

Staying with Nikka Miyagikyo, Reviewing the 15 Year Old

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Staying with Nikka Miyagikyo, Reviewing the 15 Year Old

Yesterday I reviewed the Miygikyo 12 and found it just a little too put together. How does the 15 year old fare? Photo Credit: Yesterday’s blind tasting whisky was the Tobermory 10, which I had recently reviewed, so I’m sticking with notes from the London Whisky Show that I didn’t get to yet. Miyagikyo…

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Japan’s Nikka Miyagikyo 12 – Could it be Just a Bit Too Perfect?

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Japan’s Nikka Miyagikyo 12 – Could it be Just a Bit Too Perfect?

Israel’s whisky community is now in the midst of the first organized blind tasting organized by Tapuz Wine and Alcohol Forum’s Admin and resident whisky buff Assaf Harel in conjunction with Sitonaut Binyamina, who organizes next month’s Whisky Live Tel Aviv. We got 14 blind samples, and have one revealed each night at 11pm. The first…

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Japanese Sherry Dive Bomb – Miyagikyo Single Barrel

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Japanese Sherry Dive Bomb – Miyagikyo Single Barrel

No introductions to Japanese whisky are really needed. Both Santory and Nikka produce world class whiskies, Karuizawa is a real frenzy whisky and the popularity of Japanese whisky is soaring. Nikka’s main and most widely known distillery is Yoichi, but wanting input from a different style of distillery, Nikka founded Miyagikyu to produce a mild,…

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