G&M Speymalt – Macallan 2006-2015 (43%)

G&M’s house expressions need no introduction and the Speymalt has been a pretty steady feature coming out of their seemingly unexhaustable warehouses. The Speymalt label has been used for Macallans as old as the 1938 vintage, all the way up to this youngish nine year old. The older releases were released at 40%, and later ones went up to a standard 43%.

As with all house brands coming out of Elgin, the quality is impeccable, and the value for money is relatively high.


Photo Credit: thewhiskyexchange.com

Photo Credit: thewhiskyexchange.com

G&M Speymalt – Macallan 2006-2015 (43% ABV, NCF, NC)

Appearance: Hay colored, slow legs with quite a bit of residue.

Nose: Sweet vanilla, floral and light. Doesn’t feel as young as it is, although the malt does come out a bit after some time. This dram has something fresh about it.

Palate: Barley sugar, hint of the Macallan character, light peppery notes, slightly reminiscent of the Gold, though much better.

Linger: White pepper, some spiciness down the gullet and a hint of sweetness on the tongue. The spice is pretty long lasting.


It’s a youngish Macallan, but is far better than what makes it into the Gold…

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