I think Israel is the last place in the world you can still get Springbank CV and Longrow CV, and since they’re still available – and as they were put on sale in February – it would have been silly not to partake in a fresh round of restocking.

Just before they closed the warehouse doors….
© Malt and Oak
Springbank CV was intended as an introductory malt to the Springbank range, with the CV standing for ‘Curriculum Vitae’. It’s the last Springbank that’s NAS (although Longrow still has a NAS expression, the Longrow Peated). The CV includes whiskies that are 7-14 years old, and mixes whisky from three different cask types – bourbon, Sherry and port.
How did all that work out?

Photo Credit: thewhiskyexchange.com
Springbank CV (46% ABV, NCF, NC)
Appearance: Gold, with very slow and viscous legs.
Nose: Classicly Campbeltown, with some car workshop oily scents, honey, lemon oil and a hint of yellow pear. There’s a layer of spices right under the sweetness, with white pepper and hints of clove, together with a somewhat floral note. As it remains in the glass, the port influence becomes more noticeable.
Palate: ‘Peat and Sweet’ play on the tongue, with a dry bitterness that’s absolutely lovely, giving an almost ‘fizzy’ feel to the whisky.
Linger: The peat with the grapefruit rind, some rosemary, spicy tingle, some residual dryness, and a long tingle in the mouth, but almost none in the gullet. The mouth remains dry for quite a while.
The CV (and the Longrow CV as well) is actually a fabulous profile of Springbank, and I’m not sure I’m happy that it’s been discontinued. While not quite as stellar as the Longrow CV, which I adore, I actually still have another bottle of the Springbank and a couple of bottles of the Longrow tucked away.